Sleep Service

Nansa’s Sleep Service aims to be there for families of children, with SEND, experiencing ongoing sleep difficulties; and is currently funded by the NHS Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB).

Sleeping problems

Parents, carers and other professionals continually raise the problem of poor sleep patterns as a major issue in parenting children with disabilities & additional needs.

The lack of a good night’s sleep may have long term detrimental effects on a child’s ability to learn and enjoy the opportunities offered at school and within the community.
A child’s lack of sleep also directly affects other family members, with parents/carers and siblings experiencing disruption to their sleep patterns and the whole family becoming exhausted, impairing education and work opportunities. The reduced social and community interaction can lead to greater isolation, financial deprivation and increased reliance upon
State support.

How can Nansa help?

Children may be poor sleepers due to the effects of their medical condition, physical movement or breathing difficulties, restrictive aids (e.g. lycra splinting), environmental issues, poor housing conditions or lack of a bedtime routine; often the problem is due to a combination of some or all of these situations.
Nansa has developed and delivered sleep programmes, including individual sleep clinics, sleep groups and sleep workshops, over the past seven years and we are liasing with Scope’s Sleep Solutions Team, working with this knowledgeable and well-regarded service to deliver a high quality sleep service which uses a behavioural approach to addressing sleep problems.

How do I get involved?

Referrals for the Nansa Sleep Service will be accepted from community paediatricians, portage, health visitors or any other health professional involved with the family. We can also accept referrals directly from families.
The Nansa Sleep service is free of charge for families of children with disabilities. We can also see children without disabilities but a small charge applies. Please also be aware that due to exceptional demand for our service, families of children with disabilities will be prioritised.
For information on accessing this service, please contact the Family Services team by calling 01603 414109 or email

The Sleep Helpline

The Nansa Sleep service run a helpline every Monday (term time) from 10am – 3pm. A member of the sleep team will be able to give advice and answer any questions you may have.

Call the help line on 01603 728673